Happy Polish Heritage Month! In 1986 President Ronald Reagan declared that October is the month to celebrate Polish heritage in the United States. Ever since the first Polish settlers arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in October 1608, Polish Americans have been an important part of our nation’s history and culture.
It’s been a busy month with book talks for How Languages Saved Me: A Polish Story of Survival at the Seaside Library and the Barnes & Noble in Stockton. I was honored to have Dr. Janusz Belza, 94-year-old survivor of the Warsaw Uprising, at my book talk in Seaside.

Book Talk at Seaside Library

Dr. Janusz Belza, Warsaw Uprising survivor

Barnes & Noble, Stockton

Puppy Ben is happy about the arrival of the books
I’m excited to announce the release of my BOOK TRAILER. You can watch it at the top of the Gallery page of my website https://stefanienaumann.com/gallery/, or on YouTube: https://youtu.be/aTBnB4_taY0
Some of you have asked how you can best support the book. If you are so inclined, please consider writing a short review on Amazon or your preferred shopping site. Scroll down to the bottom of this Amazon review link and click “Write a customer review.”
Thank you for all your encouragement, and eat some pierogi on October 8, National Pierogi Day!
Tadeusz Haska’s memoirs is a testimony to the strength, resistance and suffering of him and many others who were not lucky enough to survive the war and difficult years of the Russian influence in Poland. Very good reading.
Grazyna Gonet. Former instructor at DLI.
Tadeusz Haska’s memoirs is a testimony to the strength, resistance and suffering of him and also many others who were not lucky enough to survive the war and difficult years of the Russian influence. Very good reading. Grazyna